Homeschooling Groups

Listed below are links to upper Midwest homeschool organizations*:


  • HI - Homeschool Iowa
    Homeschool Iowa exists to equip and encourage Iowa homeschooling families and to promote and protect home education in our state.
  • MHA - Minnesota Homeschoolers’ Alliance
    MHA is a volunteer run, non-profit corporation existing for the purpose of providing support and information about homeschooling to MN homeschoolers without bias for or against any religious or political group and without bias for or against any one approach to homeschooling.
  • MPE - Midwest Parent Educators
    MPE, which began in 1986 as "Johnson County Parent Educators (JCPE)", serves home educators in the greater Kansas City metro area, including many from Wyandotte, Miami, and Douglas counties in Kansas and from counties in and around Kansas City, Missouri.
  • NCHEA - Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
    NCHEA is a volunteer driven, non-profit organization founded in 1986 to encourage and support Christian families in the education of their children at home in accordance with Biblical principles and to support the rights of Christian parents to homeschool their children.
  • NDHSA - North Dakota Home School Association
    The purpose of NDHSA is to encourage and assist Christian families in North Dakota in the education of their children according to Biblical principles, and to provide to home educators and the general public information pertaining to the Biblical, academic and legal aspects of home education.

* Please note that we do not necessarily endorse each of these organizations, but we have placed them here for your convenience.

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